Sonntag, 21. Juli 2013

Talia Castellano- make-up star died

Talia Castellano, a young inspiration and role model for thousands of people. Many years ago she started doing make- up videos on you tube an got famous But a few days ago, she lost her long battle against cancer and passed away at the age of 13. 

I can hardly imagine that a girl who was fighting against cancer for more than 6 years,  was always in a good mood, laughing and  at the same time talking about her serious disease on you tube.

A lot people was suffering with her and her family but she is STILL an inspiration for many people and she definitely touched a lot of hearts in the last few months of her battle again two types of aggressive cancer.

If you want to watch some you tube videos, just go to her you tube channel named: taliajoy18

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